Hello Reader, if you are reading this blog than you are at right place to commence your journey towards Healthy Lifestyle.
In This article we will be discussing about benefits of eating Eggs, more specifically Boiled Eggs.
Boiled Eggs are more nutritious than any other preparation. One large boiled egg contains 78 Kcal, 5gm Fat, 187mg Cholesterol, 1gm Carbs and most importantly around 7gm of protein.
We all know that how to boil eggs, but there are two ways by which an egg can be boiled
1) Hard Boiling
2) Soft Boiling
So what's the difference between two :-
The only difference between these is how yolk is cooked. On peeling, the yolk of hard boiled egg will come out solid whereas the soft boiled might have a runny yolk.

Boil the eggs for 5-7 minutes for soft boiled and around 8-12 minutes for hard boiled.
Best Time to Eat
Although eggs can be enjoyed at anytime, but it is always advised to eat eggs during your breakfast, that way you will have more energy and gets best out of them.
Benefits of Boiled Eggs
The boiled egg is one of the reasonable breakfast option that also provides nutrition. From weight management to prenatal bone strength, boiled eggs are also good for cognitive and eyes health.
It's a known fact that boiled eggs contains lean protein, which makes you feel full and also have less calories thus helps in weight management.
For improving your cholesterol profile, make sure to eat egg white and not the yolk.
Boiled Eggs have Choline present in them, which helps in maintaining a healthy nervous system. Eggs can be eaten during pregnancy, as egg white decreases risk of Neural Tube Defects in foetus.

Boiled Eggs contains two main oxidants as Lutein and Zeaxanthin, these two are known to give better eye health.
Apart from these there are numerous other benefits also of consuming boiled eggs.
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